Conquering Covid … showing Covid-19 we mean business!
Helping Australian businesses and communities as part of the ‘it takes a village’ approach to Conquering Covid.
Government directions
Like few other times in history, government decisions have been guided very significantly by medical science and contemporary health practice
It takes a Village … help and be helped
Never has there been a more important time to act out all that is the true meaning of “It takes a village”
Government support
The pandemic has caused all tiers of government to take action to protect the health of people…
Buy locally
Responsible purchasing has always included buying locally produced products and buying from local outlets.
Stay close emotionally – have fun
How strange it sounds that we need to stay apart but stay close.
Be clean and green
Adoption of environmentally sustainable practices is also becoming commonplace as a means of increasing …
Sanity and self isolation
People are finding creative ways to make self-quarantine or isolation less tiresome and even energising.
The circular economy
Covid19 has shown that our economic systems are more fragile than we thought. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable
Reframing your business with an eye on the post-covid world
There will be lessons that signal what we should do with our current business or even a startup business in the post-covid world.
Phone support, coaching, counselling
Need to talk to someone about your business, yourself, your workforce? These phone numbers are staffed to take calls.
Coronavirus small business support (Qld Govt) 132 846
Coronavirus information 1300 654 687
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Contact us to arrange a phone chat through
Short videos of how people are trying to cope with this pandemic are to be added as we come across them. Your contributions are eagerly sought. Please send to
Get In Touch
This website and associated supports is our best start-up effort and we’d love you to tell us where it works for you and where we could do things differently. Indeed, we need your help big time. Please give feedback, give ideas and insights and send stories and short videos so we can bring extra life into Conquering Covid!