Conquering Covid19 is at the core of what the planet needs to do.
We are trying to add value to that which is already being done in our village, our region, our state and country.
This website and associated supports is our best start-up effort and we’d love you to tell us where it works for you and where we could do things differently. Indeed, we need your help big time. Please give feedback and give ideas and insights! Send stories and short videos to bring extra life to Conquering Covid.
So who are we?
The website has a lead sponsor in Regional Development Australia Moreton Bay, in association with Advance Queensland and Green Street, as part of the regional response to Covid. It complements the Sustainable Moreton Bay project and the associated Moreton Bay Sustainable Business Strategy.
It is a joint initiative of RDAMB and regional business NACC which is based in Samford Village and conducts the Sustainable Business Precinct and Sustainable Startup Hub in Samford through its Green Street capability.
The work of Conquering Covid is initially focussed on support activity with businesses in Samford and the Moreton Bay Region, engaging with groups such as the Samford Chamber of Commerce and the Samford Sustainable Business Precinct. RDA Moreton Bay and its constituent groups are a key facilitating agency.
The contents of are intended to have a regional, state and national benefit to meet the immediate challenges presented by covid. Businesses and their families and communities are hurting and conquering covid in the shortest possible time is clearly a priority for us all.
Get In Touch
This website and associated supports is our best start-up effort and we’d love you to tell us where it works for you and where we could do things differently. Indeed, we need your help big time. Please give feedback, give ideas and insights and send stories and short videos so we can bring extra life into Conquering Covid!