Be clean and green

Adoption of environmentally sustainable practices is also becoming commonplace as a means of increasing the overall resilience and financial sustainability of businesses.  The use of renewable energy, improved water practices and effective waste prevention and management are core to this move to enable businesses to ride the ups and downs of the market place. 

The more in-control we are of the components that are essential to our business the more likely we are able to ride out the lowpoints sometimes coming our way through natural disasters, financial crises or health pandemics.  If we are not yet doing this maybe we can use the covid downtime to plan to make those changes.  See also the section on the Circular Economy.

To do 

  • Check out ways environmentally sustainable practices can reduce costs, add value and help with business resilience and staff wellbeing
  • Up-cycle, reuse, recycle and share assets
  • Sign up to renewable energy supplies
  • Plant veggies and fruit trees for fresh quarantine supplies
  • Purchase or produce goods which have low or no packaging where possible
  • Educate your workforce on the value of environmentally friendly work practices

Check out and

Phone support, coaching, counselling

Need to talk to someone about your business, yourself, your workforce? These phone numbers are staffed to take calls.

Coronavirus small business support (Qld Govt)  132 846

Coronavirus information  1300 654 687

Lifeline    13 11 14

Beyond Blue   1300 22 4636

Contact us to arrange a phone chat through


The Sustainable Moreton Bay website takes you through a roadmap on building a sustainable business

Green Street provides a comprehensive coverage of what to do to be a sustainable business



Short videos of how people are trying to cope with this pandemic are to be added as we come across them.  Your contributions are eagerly sought.  Please send to


Get In Touch

This website and associated supports is our best start-up effort  and we’d love you to tell us where it works for you and where we could do things differently.  Indeed, we need your help big time. Please give feedback, give ideas and insights and send stories and short videos so we can bring extra life into Conquering Covid!